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By:Ria Neme
Language - English
Publication Date - Oct 15, 2024
Book Description
“A captivating memoir that portrays James Bond-like adventures, leaving readers yearning for more"- Klara Bilic Mestric, PhD
Ria hails from a dysfunctional Hungarian family that relocates to Dubai in the 1980s, escaping the communist era. She recounts her adventure-filled life story through the eyes of her higher self, reflecting on the past with wisdom.
After her family splits apart, she ends up in a Hungarian dormitory in a small town, where she mingles with like-minded, lost souls. Together, they form their own rules and grow up as anarchists.
Growing up in a multicultural environment infused with luxury and the remnants of a world transitioning from communism, she struggles for a long time to find her true identity.
Her spiritual evolution starts with a strange calling to follow her inner voice, leading her to commit something completely against her logical mind. She ends up in jail where she meets a shaman from South Africa, and this is where her transformation begins.
The story takes us through her travels to Nepal and India where she learns self-discipline and acceptance that embraces good and bad.
She offers insights into how generational traumas and mental health shape our lives and self-image, unveiling her understanding.
The story's peak occurs through an unexpected twist that leaves her in a void for a long time. However, the lessons learned from her life experiences guide her to rise from this state, ultimately enabling her to see that everything that happened was necessary as there is a higher truth directing our fate.
“Brave, honest and funny - Ria’s unique story has a truly magnetic pull” Lara Pop, Literary and Film Critic
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