Grayson's Magic Dragon

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  • Grayson's Magic Dragon

Debbie L. Hepner

With multiple educational degrees and over 30 years of working with young children, I am now an award-winning author! During the coronavi...

Book Description

Winner of the Independent Press Award Distinguished Favorite Picture book All Ages
Winner of the Global Book Award

A boy, a toy, and grandma's comforting words come together in a magical dream that relieves the fear and anxiety in a young boy.

Grayson receives a remote-controlled dragon for his birthday, but it scares him, and he jumps into grandma's arms. With grandma's love and comforting words, Grayson slowly overcomes his fear of the big orange dragon. Late at night, when the dragon comes to life, the magic starts. Grayson is scooped up in a thrilling ride that takes him to the most delightful place ever! Flying on the back of the dragon, above the scrumptious castle of delicious treats, he is comforted by grandma's words, "The dragon will never hurt you."

A fun and adventurous story with page-touching, mouthwatering illustrations.
Coloring pages are available at

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