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WriteBK is a comprehensive platform that connects authors from all over the world, regardless of whether they are traditionally published or self-published. It offers a range of tools and features that enable authors to effectively promote their books to a global audience. By adding links to their Amazon or other book purchase pages, authors can attract potential readers and boost sales. Meanwhile, readers can explore a wide array of book recommendations, complete with detailed author bios, regular updates, sample chapters, author websites, blogs, and videos related to authors/books. Joining WriteBK allows authors to reach an international audience through weekly email newsletters, making it a valuable resource for anyone seeking to maximize their book's visibility and success.
WriteBK is a platform for traditional and self-published global authors to promote their books with links to purchase options. Readers can discover new books and authors with bios, updates, sample chapters, websites, blogs, and videos. Join WriteBK to reach an international audience. www.writeBK(dot)com