Can’t You Just Get Over It
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Can’t You Just Get Over It
By:Angela Kehler
Language - English
Publication Date - Jun 29, 2023
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Book Description
Can't You Just Get Over It is set in the southeastern Colorado prairie in a fundamentalist religious cult called The Assembly of YHWHHOSHUA. It is an intimate journey into key, pivotal moments in my life as the first child to be born into and to grow up as a fully committed member. As a teenager, I rejected the entire belief system and decided to leave. On my way out, I got married, and the pastor declared that anyone who attended the wedding would be "cut off." Consequently, nearly half the congregation also left with me, triggering a rapid disintegration of the group. Five years later, there was nothing left. The choices I had to make along the way, like exposing my abuser and challenging the hierarchy and hypocrisy inherent in the group, required courage that I didn't realize I had until long after.
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