Flidgywumper Saves the Seas

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  • Flidgywumper Saves the Seas

karin westdyk

Karin Westdyk is a former teacher, an environmental journalist, editor, and activist. She has published many articles on envir...

Book Description

Written in rhyme and delightfully illustrated Flidgywumper Saves the Seas provides hope and solutions to a serious environmental issue encouraging all to participate. Alarmed by all the plastic being dumped into the sea, a little green fish and his friends find a way to alert the world by showing the problem to vacationing snorkelers. Written in rhyme and delightfully illustrated, the story brings to light a serious environmental problem and shows how it can be solved giving hope and encouragement to all. The story entertains while it educates, but most importantly inspires children and the adults in their lives to care.

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