Clueless & Headstrong - Aunt Lynette Story
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- Clueless & Headstrong - Aunt Lynette Story
Clueless & Headstrong - Aunt Lynette Story
By:Eyvonne Black
Language - English
Publication Date - Jan 24, 2024
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Book Description
Clueless & Headstrong is a contemporary romance novella [focusing] on personal growth and emotional depth [Online Book Club].
Set in the Caribbean Islands of Jamaica and Santa Barbara, California, the story follows a teenage girl adamant about fulfilling her childhood dream of marrying her first crush.
Upholding her family's tradition, Lynette must uproot her life, suppress the emotions that held her captive, overcome challenges, and become an empath. Years later, she discovers that the only way she will feel completely free and emotionally healed is to tell her story.
The message in this story is to honour the past, live in the present and look forward to the future.
This book appeals to young, mature and seasoned adults who appreciate character development, heartfelt narratives, short-term suspense and historical romance.
First Published: 06/01/2022 Revised: 01/24/2024
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