America's Election Handbook 2024

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  • America's Election Handbook 2024

Charles Patton

Charles Patton is an accomplished author with diverse writing, including nonfiction, fiction, plays, and newspaper columns. Pa...

Book Description

Available in paperback, eBook, and audiobook, "America's Election Handbook 2024" offers a sharp analysis of the U.S. political party system. It highlights contrasts between major party positions and challenges the necessity and consequences of strict party loyalties. It delves into the evolving ideologies of political parties and critiques the minimal involvement of grassroots movements in decision-making processes, a factor it links to the growing divide in American politics.

The book advocates for open-minded dialogue and consensus in governance, reflecting the democratic ideals of the Founding Fathers. With a blend of proposals and factual analyses, it aims to stimulate more inclusive and representative discussions on governance. 

This book offers:

1. Unbiased and non-partisan review of the issues in the upcoming election

2. No propaganda – only facts, alternatives, and ideas

3.Well-researched – credible, factual, in the context of the views of our founding fathers

4. Contrasts the positions of the two major parties

5. Interesting – surprising perspectives on how our representation has changed since our founding

6. Reminds you of what you really stand for

7. Perfect gift for that friend with extreme views

8. Arms you with information to counter absurd viewpoints

9. Buy, read, share, talk-up

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